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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Woke Propaganda

Our children's innocence is dying
In a new world of gender pronouns and "wokeness"
How do we not see this?
Kids as young as nine
Are learning twisted gender bullshit
And having more anxiety because of it
When I look at the sky
I say it's blue
But they will say it's red
And I'm told to believe that's true
Because what my own eyes see
Are only deceiving me?!
And what the Bible says
Won't set you free?!
Their indoctrinating our kids
To believe in their lies
When right in front of me
I see their kind
They don't hold the same Christian values that was taught to me as a kid
They're making the shit up
And our kids are learning more sin
Where in the Bible
Does it use pronouns?
I've read the stories
From Adam and Eve
To Mary and Joseph
Males and females
There was no confusion
So, think again
If your "wokeness"
Doesn't affect our kids
If it's confusing to us adults
It's confusing for them
Don't expect me
To call you by his, hers, them, they
I will address you
Like I been taught and address you by name
And keep your bullshit beliefs and values out of my kid's school
My children were created by God
And came from my womb
Not as a pangender
Or part of a gender inclusive club
But as a daughter and son of Christ
Where all souls come from