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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Life as a Twin Flame: Living on a Prayer

 Dream from Morning of 4/29/2021:

My phone is ringing. I answer it. A voice says, “Michelle.” I recognize the voice but in doubt say, “Who is this?” I know it is my twin.


Dream from 8/30/2012:

 I am on my second date with my twin. We go to see a concert. It is Bon Jovi. My daughter is with me. As we walk to our seats, Bon Jovi is singing Living on a Prayer.


Your memory follows me everywhere.

Just as I am starting my day with my client on April 29, I pull into her driveway and I see an Asplundn truck parked in front of her house.

Five minutes later, my client wants me to run up to Starbucks to get her coffee.

As I am walking to my Tahoe, one of the guys approaches me and informs me they are trimming the trees.

I smile at him and say, “Just don’t block the drive. I’ll be back in 15 minutes.”

I jump in my Tahoe to leave and on the radio is playing, Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.

Now I’m thinking, what the fuck!?

Your thoughts invade me.

The synchronicities over the years have slowed down, but have never entirely stopped.

Very often I see the twin flame numbers 1111.

So much so, I finally gave into the Universe and got the numbers tattooed on me.

If it’s not a street named after you or a Bon Jovi song, I swear your thoughts are trying to reach me and do!

What the fuck?!

Why don’t you just come out and say what you want to say?

Why keep speaking in this secret language?

I can’t escape you...

So, your memory I take everywhere.