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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Self Love: A Lifetime Practice

Self love is NOT a destination, it is a daily practice. It is a way of life.

To love yourself is to show up for yourself every day.

Sometimes that’s easy.

Sometimes it’s ugly and difficult.

Sometimes its walking in sunshine with deep gratitude and a huge blissful smile on your face.

Sometimes it’s having really awkward and tough conversations.

Sometimes it’s stretching WAY out of your comfort zone, being scared as hell and nailing it.

Sometimes it’s letting others down because to honor yourself meant saying no.

Sometimes it’s patting yourself on the back and saying “you’re doing a great job at this new thing, I know it’s scary but you’re doing great!”

What I do know, is if you’re expecting to arrive at self love, you’ll never get there. It’s not some pit stop on a road trip to excellence and approval.

It is a CHOICE that you make every single day, over and over for the rest of your life. It’s also absolutely necessary if you want a life you don’t need to escape from.

Reference~ Candy Love - Intuitive Relationship Coaching‎