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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Change Begins With You

To all the women still holding on to a broken, abusive relationship hoping he'll change, don't waste anymore of your time with someone who doesn't appreciate your effort, your beauty. I know you're scared of change. I know you have years invested into the relationship and your heart is heavy. I know you cry when he's not around. I know you pray things will get better. I've been there and done that. But what I was ignoring was the painful truth that only I can make the change happen. Only I can change my circumstances. Yes, I was scared. I was terrified and it was 2 1/2 years of hell that I went through to finally be free, but I made it through to the other side and I finally have peace. I got my life back! Hang in there. Trust your intuition. Believe in yourself. Pray when you need to pray, and cry when you need to cry. Give yourself the love you deserve and watch the pieces of your life fall into place.