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Monday, November 27, 2017

My Inner Child Healing Meditation

 From Journal Entry 11/11/17

I have been spending a lot of my time on healing my heart. When my husband left in January I felt abandoned. It brought up memories from my childhood of when my father left. I've been dedicated to this process of healing and decided to try a Inner Child Healing Meditation. It ended up being one of the best and most healing experiences I have ever had. The guided meditation I found on Youtube. Below there is a link to the video.

The Meditation:

I laid in my bed with one hand on my Solar Plexus chakra and the other on my Heart chakra. I focused on my breath: intake 4 counts, out 4 counts. The guided meditation led to the experience of me observing my Inner Child being cradled in my father's arms. I could feel how safe and loved the little girl felt.

I cried for her. She felt loved and protected by her father. Then suddenly, she felt fear and abandoned when he left her. I approached my Inner Child as my adult self and comforted her. I told her Oompa did not abandon her, he very much was in her life and loved her very much. I reminded her she was not alone and there's nothing to be afraid of. That there are plenty of people in her life that love her and care about her. I told her how brave and strong she is.

This experience helped me reshape that event in my life and gave me perspective on my own feelings of abandonment that I am going through right now. It gave me much needed healing and reminded me that my dad will always be there for me.

Link to meditation: