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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gnostic Teachings- Trapped In Desire

When we become very angry, we are identified with our anger, meaning that anger becomes our identity, our I. That anger has become a vampire, a tick, a leech that is sucking up the light, the Consciousness, that energy that is flowing through us, and it is using that energy to feed itself, to make itself fatter, to make itself more powerful. This is the difficulty: Identification. 

When we become identified, we give up our connection with God. 

Identification is the state of psychological sleep. It is a state in which the Consciousness has become hypnotized and trapped by a desire. 

Within our mind we have millions of examples of these types of desires. Millions. Each of us has our own. Each of us has our own “psychological country,” an inner landscape that keeps us fascinated, bewildered, identified: asleep.
