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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Story of Sapphire and Arion: An Open Lute

Many years went by before Arion dissolved his stubbornness and fears and returned home.
Empty now he was like a lute, finely and delicately crafted, open and receptive.  The music his soul would play at the touch of Sapphire's hands would stir the music inside of Arion.  He longed to be played, whimmed, full of sound.  This longing to feel vibrant and alive saturated his heart.
Arion knew the symphony and had memorized all the notes.  He realized now it was his masterpiece that he needed to finish.
All of Arion's desires desired an opening.  It was Sapphire that had opened him, exposing all his wounds.  It was her greatest gift to him.  Inflicting Arion with the wounds of love healed him of all his other wounds. Now Arion understood that the same cause was also the cure.
Arion longed to return home to Sapphire as an open lute- empty with the only desire to be played.