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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stringing Beads Now Available

Stringing Beads available in paperback!
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 About the author: Madison Meadows grew up in rural Illinois. As a child her parents did not believe she was being attacked by a demon. They divorced when she was nine and this caused her to go into a depression. She moved to Phoenix to live with her father at the age of 15. Her complicated inner life she kept hidden. She started down a road of self destruction when at the age of 18 she became an exotic dancer. Her Christian upbringing brought her shame and her demons haunted her. She began to journal her dreams, insights, spirit encounters, and astral projections. Her faith in God got her through many dark nights. She has been blogging about her supernatural experiences for the last three years. Madison Meadows has learned that the worst things in your life are there to strengthen your spirit. Madison's mad love for God enables her to share with others her incredible journey.

Stringing Beads: Making a Beautiful Life