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Friday, June 8, 2012

My Letter To The Troops- No. 2

From Journal Entry 5/27/2012

Dear Sir or Madam,

Each man has in his life moments that forever change him.  These "little wonders" cause him to reflect on his life and God.  He begins to ask whether or not God exist.
Man knows he has had a "little wonder" when at that moment it's as if time has stopped and everything is surreal.  It can be the birth of a baby, surviving an accident, the loss of a loved one, or any traumatic event.  And in that moment of "little wonder" your perception of reality is forever changed. Your world has just gotten bigger.
You began to reflect on your life searching for its meaning.  Asking yourself does everything in my life have meaning?  You think about whether or not there is a greater consciousness behind the events in your life.  You began to reflect on your childhood and your relationship with God.  You have grown up with the image of a God fearing God. 
Now your an adult and you want a loving God that understands your burdens and struggles.  What you long for is a friendship with God.  So what is the best way to began a friendship with Him?  By getting to know your own soul; your getting to know God.
Praying to God and speaking to Him as a friend breaks down those boundaries as a domineering father.  It allows you to be real.  You can be real  because your speaking from your heart.  And that's what God longs for is your heart.
Tell Him your burdens, disappointments, and longings.  When you devote a dialogue with God everyday, essentially you are maturing in spirit; building a lasting relationship with God.  By remaining steadfast in your prayers, you open yourself up to God's grace.

God Bless,

Madison Michelle