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Friday, April 29, 2011


Synchronicity feels like we are in just the right place at the right time to receive important information. Through observation we can see that these synchronised moments are preceded by an intuitive urge that directs us to go somewhere or say something. we do have guidance available to us, that when we 'tune in' are invaluable. Remaining in a state of 'alertness' is key for the guiding intuition to arrive.

Synchronicity works in in two ways for me. In one way I refer to it as spontaneous synchronicity. I'll have a premonition, a dream, or something in my current life will demand my attention. Usually this is a nagging thought that urges me to take action. It is accompanied by a feeling to act, not to wait.

The other works in the way of requesting an answer from the Universe. I will pose my question to God and ask for a sign as to the course of action I need to take. For this to be successful you have to be open to all possibilities. You may not desire the outcome you ask for, but remember God knows best. Often times I will receive a dream as to what I should do. Sometimes God will place just the right person or book, etc. that I need on my path.

As you follow your 'inner guidance' you begin to see how events in your life unfold. You begin to see how one event is 'stringed' to the next event. It's a great comfort and joy to feel connected to the Universe in a way that you feel it is intimately speaking to you.

Reference ~The Twelfth Insight, by James Redfield